Jianhan (Jaime) Ma

I am currently pursuing a Master of Science degree at the Electrical & Computer Engineering department of UC San Diego, under the mentorship of Prof. Xiaolong Wang. My research is focused on advanced robotic learning techniques, specifically applied to quadruped robots.

Before joining UCSD, I collaborated with Prof. Liangjing Yang at Zhejiang University, contributing to research in vision-guided surgical robotic systems. Additionally, I explored the field of computer vision applied to medical image processing, guided by Prof. Zuozhu Liu, also at Zhejiang University . I obtained my Bachelor of Engineering(B.E) dgree in Electrical Engineering and its Automation at Zhejiang University in 2021.

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I am deeply intrigued by the confluence of robotic learning, computer vision, and language models. My passion lies in exploring how these distinct yet interconnected modalities can synergistically enhance the capabilities of intelligent systems.

* Denotes Equal Contribution

VIM Generalized Animal Imitator: Agile Locomotion with Versatile Motion Prior
Ruihan Yang*, Zhuoqun Chen*, Jianhan Ma*, Chongyi Zheng*, Yiyu Chen, Quan Nguyen, Xiaolong Wang

CoRL, 2024
CoRL Deployable Workshop, 2023 (Best Paper Award)
Project Page / arXiv / Video

Our system learns a Single Instructable Motion Prior from a diverse reference motion dataset.

Selected Projects

445 Camera-based Augmented Reality Endoscope Auxiliary System
Advisor: Prof. Liangjing Yang
Project Report

We engineered a sophisticated Augmented Reality (AR) auxiliary system designed to accurately track and tag tumor locations in real-time. This system was adeptly integrated with the vision system of an endoscope mounted on an OpenManipulator-X robot arm. It effectively displayed the pinpointed tumor locations directly onto the endoscope’s visual feed, enhancing precision and guidance during medical procedures

CBCT Self-supervised Learning for Semantic Tooth Segmentation on Cone-Beam CT Image
Advisor: Prof. Zuozhu Liu
Project Report

We proposed an innovative self-supervised representation learning strategy to enhance the accuracy of semantic segmentation in Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) datasets.

470 Robotic Table Sorting System
Course Instructor: Prof. Katie Driggs-Campbell
Project Report

We developed a comprehensive robotic system integrating a UR5 robot arm with advanced sensory equipment, including radar, a vision sensor, and a proximity sensor. This system was expertly designed to detect and categorize various objects placed on a table.


UCSD UC San Diego, San Diego, CA

2022.9 - Present
M.S in Electrical & Computer Engineering
ZJU Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

2017.8 - 2021.6
B.E in Electrical Engineering and its Automation


ZJUI Spring 2021
Teaching Assistant, ECE 342 & 343 - Electronic Circuits
Instructor: Prof. Aili Wang

Fall 2020
Teaching Assistant, ECE 313 - Probability with Engineering Application
Instructor: Prof. Mark Butala

Borrowed from John Barron.